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Segmentation or cluster analysis is a crucial technique in marketing that divides a group of diverse people or companies into smaller, more homogenous segments based on various characteristics and criteria. Segmentation analysis aims to understand better and target specific customer groups. Through segmentation, businesses can tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies to meet each segment's unique needs and preferences. At boobook, we use various analytical segmentation methods, such as latent class clustering, Hierarchical Bayes clustering, Cluster Ensemble, K-means, etc. The data, as well as the required outcome, drive method choice. Apart from choosing the most potent methodology, we also pay a lot of attention to ensuring the segments can be tackled by various business teams, a challenge which many segmentation exercises fail upon.

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At boobook, our core values shape our culture and drive our approach to solving complex business problems. These values are the foundation of our success and define who we are as a team.

Decision tree analysis

Decision tree analysis is a versatile tool in data analysis and machine learning that graphically models decision-making factors, commonly employed to segment customers based on their likelihood to purchase a product.

Decision tree analysis

Transactional data analysis

Prioritizing customer feedback over transactional data aids in accurate predictions. Analyzing data correlations using machine learning refines market strategies, but past data has its limitations.

Transactional data analysis

Web scraping

Customer listening informs pricing and product strategy, while machine learning and AI analysis of online data provide competitive insights on how rivals set their prices.

Web scraping

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